

咨询 is now a service line offered through the NVC学生倡导 部门. Sessions are currently being offered via Zoom video conferencing. Please contact us for more 信息!

Difficult issues can get in the way of academic success. Trained and licensed staff can guide you in personal, social, and/or psychological matters such as 抑郁症, 焦虑, 创伤后应激障碍和悲伤. 我们可以帮助你处理这些问题,你的责任,和其他个人情况.

NVC学生倡导 and 资源中心

Looking for 学术顾问? 点击这里



咨询服务提供广泛的专业咨询服务,有执照的专业咨询师. Please call us to make an appointment.


技能培训, Short-Term Individual 咨询, Substance Abuse 咨询, 危机干预, 社区推荐

Free, Anonymous Alcohol and 心理健康 Screening:

所有西北远景学院的学生都可以免费、匿名地在线观看. Screenings are available for: Depression, 躁郁症这样的心理疾病, 酒精滥用, 饮食失调, 焦虑, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The screening is provided so that you may find out, 几分钟后, 专业咨询是否对你有帮助.


Student Satisfaction Survey

Have you met with our counselors before? We want to know what you think!

Please click HERE to take our ANONYMOUS Satisfaction Survey


Services for Faculty and Staff

我们理解教师和工作人员在学生的整体福祉中发挥的重要作用. 我们很高兴为学生提供以下服务,为他们创造最好的学习环境:

  • 咨询 -辅导员很乐意就影响学生的各种情绪和行为问题向教职员工提供咨询.
  • 外展服务 -我们可以安排参观您的班级,并介绍各种主题:咨询服务概述, 性侵犯意识, 健康的关系, 大学压力, 引导放松, 互联网安全, 和更多的!
  • 培训/车间 - 咨询 provides trainings on QPR Suicide Prevention, 索比, Veterans Transitioning to the Classroom, and other topics directly to faculty and staff. 请考虑下一个部门或部门会议的培训!

注:咨询服务不能直接为员工提供个人服务. 请联系鹿橡树员工援助计划寻求帮助.http://www.deeroaks.com/


Find links to forms for reporting on the 员工门户 页面. 报告工具箱旨在帮助指导教职员工对各种事件类型和情况进行适当的报告过程. 我们建议为报告工具箱添加书签,以便快速访问第九条, Academic Integrity Violations, 有关行为, and Non-Academic Misconduct reports, as well as reporting of deceased NVC students.


Did you attend an NVC 咨询 workshop, invite us to your classroom, or utilize consultation services? Please help us improve our services by taking the 员工反馈调查!




Campus Policy and Resource Information

西北远景学院致力于为所有学生提供健康和安全的学习环境. 请按以下连结,了解更多有关吸毒及酗酒的危害, as well as campus policies, 信息, 预防, 以及寻求帮助的资源.

区, State and Federal Regulations

Health Effects of 酒精滥用

Health Effects of Drug Abuse

Drug and Alcohol 咨询 and Treatment 资源

NVC Packet - Alcohol and Drugs Free Campus Information


所有NVC学生都可以免费匿名在线观看. The screening is provided so that you may find out, 几分钟后, 专业咨询是否对你有帮助.


Student Satisfaction Survey

Have you met with our counselors before? We want to know what you think!

Please click HERE to take our ANONYMOUS Satisfaction Survey

Strategies of Behavioral Intervention (索比)

Strategies of Behavioral Intervention (索比)

澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区行为干预策略(索比)政策的制定是为了指导我们的学院社区 recognize, prevent and respond 致受关注的学生,或破坏性、威胁性或暴力事件. When in doubt, please report!


  • 骚扰的迹象
  • 恐吓
  • 极端的焦虑,
  • 抑郁症,
  • 威胁伤害,
  • 行为不稳定;或
  • 脱离现实.

Faculty and staff are often in a position to recognize students who are at risk; however, 鼓励学生 审查索比指南,并向索比响应小组报告有关行为.

西北远景学院索比响应小组由学生成功副校长, 德盖坦字,与…一起 校园辅导员,残疾专家,退伍军人事务人员和校园警察.Please call us for more 信息.

Student Satisfaction Survey

Have you met with our counselors before? We want to know what you think!

Please click HERE to take our ANONYMOUS Satisfaction Survey

Local 心理健康 Authority

德克萨斯州卫生与人类服务部与当地精神卫生当局(LMHA)和当地行为卫生当局(LBHA)签订合同,以便在德克萨斯州各地的社区提供精神卫生服务. 您可以在下面找到贝尔县和我们附近县的服务联系信息. 你也可以 search for other county LMHA and LBHA services by clicking here

The Center for Health Care Services
Crisis phone: 800-316-9241 or 210-223-7233


山区精神卫生 & Developmental Disabilities Centers
水街819号., Ste. 300
克尔ville, TX 78028
Crisis phone: 877-466-0660

服务县: 杰, 布兰科, 烤盘, 爱德华兹, Gillespie, 海斯, 肯德尔, 克尔, 金布尔, Kinney, 大草原, 梅森, 麦地那, Menard, 真正的, 施莱歇尔, 萨顿, Uvalde和Val Verde

Bluebonnet Trails 社区 Services
1009 N. 乔治敦大学圣.
Crisis phone: 800-841-1255

服务县: 巴斯特罗普、伯内特、考德威尔、费耶特、冈萨雷斯、瓜达卢佩、李和威廉姆森

Camino 真正的 社区 Services
19965调频3175 n.
little, TX 78052
Crisis phone: 800-543-5750

服务县: Atascosa, Dimmit, Frio, La Salle, Karnes, Maverick, McMullen, Wilson和Zavala


学生! Need to Report General Complaints, Academic/Non-Academic Grievances, or Title IX (sexual or gender-based misconduct)? 访问我们的 学生的工具箱 网页.

Student Satisfaction Survey

Have you met with our counselors before? We want to know what you think!  

Please click HERE to take our ANONYMOUS Satisfaction Survey