Early Alert

What is Early-Alert?

预警系统是澳门正规博彩十大排行平台的一项合作努力,旨在通过识别有可能在学期早期不及格的学生来帮助支持学生的成功. 早期预警系统使教师和学术顾问能够共同努力,帮助学生解决学业困难,并为学生提供坚实的支持系统.  

When Is a Student At-Risk?

When students are alerted that they are at-risk, 这意味着他们有可能无法以及格的成绩完成课程. Some potential reasons for this are:

  • Missing classes / Consistently arriving late to class
  • Not participating or engaging in class
  • Lack of motivation to participate or complete assignments
  • Lack of focus/attention in class
  • Not submitting your assignments or submitting them late
  • Submitting incomplete assignments
  • Lacking note-taking skills
  • Low quiz/exam scores
  • Inappropriate classroom etiquette
  • Frequent distractions while in class or while studying
  • Personal issues
  • Sudden drop in attendance/grades
  • Other reasons as determined by instructor 

早期预警系统允许教师通知你和你的指导老师,他们关心你在课程中的成功,并希望帮助你. 当你收到电子邮件通知时,和你的老师谈谈你能做些什么来提高你的成绩是最好的办法. 安排时间与你的导师会面,讨论你生活中正在发生的事情,以及哪些策略或资源可以帮助你成功,这对你的成功至关重要. 上面列出的许多原因都可以通过与你的导师和指导老师交谈来快速解决.  

How Are Students Notified That They Are At-Risk?

当你的老师担心你在他们的课堂上表现不好时, 他们会向您的ACES电子邮件帐户发送预警通知. The instructor sends out alerts by the third week of class, 但是,有时他们可能会在学期前或整个学期中发送这个. 如果问题在中期之前没有得到解决,他们将发出第二次警报. Your assigned advisor may also receive this notification, and send you an additional email asking you to meet with them. 请不要忽视这些邮件,因为你的导师和指导老师都想要并且可以帮助你. The sooner you work with your instructor(s) and advisor, 到学期末,你就越有可能在课堂上取得成功. 

How Can Academic Advisors Help?

As your advisor, we want to help clear the path for you. 我们想谈谈你面临的挑战(学术和非学术), and connect you with resources that promote self-awareness, accountability and academic achievement. In addition, 许多这些资源可以减少或消除你正在经历的压力,帮助你更好地集中精力学习. 了解你的学术未来是完成你的教育目标的必要条件. We want to be able to discuss with you your goals, and develop a plan that will help you be successful. In addition, 我们想确保你知道不及格的成绩会如何影响你的学术地位. 


Academic Standards

What Are Some Benefits to Students?

如果学生积极参与这个过程,并与他们的导师和顾问一起工作, they may see:

  • Increased success
  • A positive self-image
  • Progress toward academic, transfer and career goals
  • 接触和发展学术和个人成功的工具
  • A higher chance of passing your courses 


How Can Students Avoid Becoming At-Risk?

Speak with your instructors first! Your faculty want to see you succeed. 你指定的学术顾问是你身边的另一个支持者. 联系你的顾问,安排一个咨询预约,讨论你的选择. 请查看您的ace电子邮件,了解您的导师的预约信息. 您还可以通过登录ACES并单击“My Page”选项卡查看分配给您的指导老师是谁. 指定导师的信息将列在学术简介部分.